


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

70年代是搖滾樂進軍娛樂界最具關鍵意義的十年。其中成就最大、無人能出其右者當屬「電光交響樂團 Electric Light Orchestra」。當最棒的古典樂與流行世代交會,擦撞出的火花照亮了全世界;「古典搖滾」於焉誕生!喬治哈里遜自言:如果披頭四能夠繼續唱到現在, 那麼他們應該聽起來就像ELO吧!

這場1978年倫敦溫布萊劇場的演出紀實,宣示太空時代來臨,其精彩本質與歷史定位讓它在搖滾樂史永垂不朽。琴絃閃耀著金屬光澤、各種別出心裁的特效營造 出視覺與聽覺魔幻,彷彿置身大導演史匹伯的夢境之中。傑夫‧林恩,ELO (前身為Move樂團)的傑出歌手與作詞者,與迪倫 Dylan、哈里斯森 Harrison、貝提 Petty 以及歐勃生 Orbison 組成「無名團」,繼續對全世界放電。當星際大戰遇見恰克‧貝利,其結果已被見證。現在,你將親眼目睹這電光石火的一刻!

Mr. Blue Sky - E.L.O.

[Radio announcer:]Warning! Todays forcast calls for blue skies.

Sun is shining in the sky

there aint a cloud in sight
it's stopped raining
Everybody's in the play
And don't you know it's a beautiful new day, Hey-hey
Running down the avenue
See how the sun shines brightly
In the city
On the streets where once was pity
Mr. Blue Sky is living here today, Hey- Hey

Mr.Blue Sky,

please tell us why,
you had to hide away for so long(So Long),
Where did we go wrong

Mr.Blue Sky,

please tell us why,
you had to hide away for so long(So Long),
Where did we go wrong

Hey, you, with the pretty face

welcome to the human race
A celebration
Mr. Blue Sky's up there waiting
And today is the day we've waited for, Oh-Oh

Mr.Blue Sky,

please tell us why,
you had to hide away for so long(So Long),
Where did we go wrong

Hey, there, Mr. Blue, we're so pleased to be with you,

Look around, see what you do, everybody smiles at you

Hey, there, Mr. Blue, we're so pleased to be with you,

Look around, see what you do, everybody smiles at you

Mr. Blue Sky, Mister Blueee Sky, Mr Blueee Skyyy, yi

Mr. Blue, you'll get it right, but soon comes Mr. Night,

Creepin' over, now his hand is on your shoulder,
Nevermind, I'll remember you this, I'll remember you this way

Mr.Blue Sky,

please tell us why,
you had to hide away for so long(So Long),
Where did we go wrong

Hey, there, Mr. Blue(Sky), we're so pleased to be with you(sky),

Look around, see what you do(Blue), everybody smiles at you

    創作者 franklove105 的頭像

    冥想 & 銘想

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