



Beyonce - Irreplaceable


To the left... 在左邊

To the left... 在左邊

Mmm to the left to the left 在左邊在左邊

Everything you own in a box to the left 你你的東西都在左邊

In the closet that's my stuff 衣櫥裡我的東西

Yes, if i bought it, please dont touch 如果是我買的,你最好是不要碰

Keep talking that mess that's fine 要一直解釋也無所謂啦

But could you walk and talk at the same time, and 但又走路又講話不嫌麻煩嗎?

Its my name that's on that Jag Jaguar跑車在我名下

So remove your bags let me call you a cab 你趕快包袱款款離開,讓我幫你叫輛小黃

Standing in the front yard tellin me how im such a fool 站在前院我一直想

Talkin bout 天啊我真是個傻妞

How i'll never ever find a man like you 以為我都找不到像你這樣的男人嗎?

You got me twisted 老天你少臭美了

You must not know bout me 你一定不夠瞭解我

You must not know bout me 你一定認我不清

I could have another you in a minute 我要找到你這型的只消一分鐘

Matter fact he'll be here in a minute 下一分鐘他搞不好就來補位

Baby 親愛的

You must not know bout me 你一定不夠懂我

You must not know bout me 你一定識我不清

I can have another you by tomorrow 你這型的明天我就可以又找到一個

So don't you ever for a second get to thinkin 千萬別有任何一秒鐘以為

You're irreplaceable 你是無可取代的

So go ahead and get gone 趕快走別擋路

Call up that chick and see if she's home 打給你的妹看看她在不在

Oops, i bet you thought that i didn't know 喔?你以為我啥都不了

What did you think i was putting you out for 不然你以為我把你留住是為什麼

Because you was untrue 因為你不忠實

Rollin her around in the car that i bought you 在我買給你的車裡跟她車震

Baby drop them keys 寶貝把鑰匙給我留下

Hurry up before your taxi leaves 趕快 不然小黃要走嚕


So since i'm not your everything 既然我不是你的全部

How about i'll be nothing 那就乾脆切得一乾二淨

Nothing at all to you 一了百了

Baby i won't shed a tear for you (i won't shed a tear) 我不會為你哭泣

I won't lose a wink of sleep 也不會為你失眠

Cuz the truth of the matter is 因為事實上就是

Replacing you is so easy 取代你是如此容易

To the left 在左邊

To the left 在左邊啦

Mmm to the left (to the left) 在左邊

Everything you own in a box to the left 你的東西在左邊的盒子裡

To the left 在左邊

To the left 在左邊啦

Don't you ever for a second get to thinkin 你千萬別有任何一秒以為

You're irreplaceable 自己絕對無可替代

You must not know bout me 你絕對不夠懂我

You must not know bout me 你絕對識我不清

I could have another you in a minute 要你這型的我下一分鐘就可找到

Matter fact he'll be here in a minute 事實上下一分鐘他就會來補位

Baby! 寶貝

You must not know bout me 你一定不夠瞭我

You must not know bout me 一定認我不清

I can have another you by tomorrow 要你這型的我明天就可找到一個

So don't you ever for a second get to thinkin 所以千萬別有任何一秒


You must not know bout me 你絕對不夠懂我

You must not know bout me 你絕對不夠瞭我

I could have another you in a minute 要你這型的下分鐘就有

Matter fact he'll be here in a minute 下分鐘他就會來補位

(You can pack all your bags, we finished) (我們結束了,快點打包)

You must not know bout me 你絕對不夠懂我

You must not know bout me 你絕對不夠瞭我

(cuz you made your bed now lay in it) 因為你自己造業自己擔

I can have another you by tomorrow 要你這型的我明天就找得到

So don't you ever for a second get to thinking 所以千萬不要以為

You're irreplaceable 你是無可取代的





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